
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dear Senator McCain:

June 15, 2008

Dear Senator McCain:

I was able to shake your hands at the Town Hall Meeting at Burlington Co. College in Pemberton, NJ, the other day, and I said, “Senator McCain, please don’t forget the North Koreans. Do Not Forget the North Koreans!” You winked and smiled at me. I do not know whether you remembered me or not. I met you twice in the past: once at Sen. Sam Brownback’s office in 2003, when Mr. Hwang Jang-yop, the top ranking North Korean defector, visited the U.S., and again in 2006, when you came to our North Korean Genocide Exhibit held at the Russell Rotunda at the Capitol. You spent good twenty minutes with us at the time asking questions about the horrors and atrocities in North Korea.

I am a Korean-American architect in New Jersey and a North Korean human rights activist since 2000. I came to the U.S. in 1968 as a foreign student, and then became a U.S. citizen in 1975. I love this country, and I love Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln told me to get involved with the NK human rights issue around 1999. North Korean people under Kim Jong-il are much worse off than the black slaves before the Civil War. The leftists in South Korea have been trying to reunify the Korean peninsula under the dictatorial regime of Kim Jong-il. This fight is still going on in the Korean peninsula. People are dying in North Korea. More than 3 million people died of starvation in North Korea in the 1990’s. It was not a natural disaster like Katrina, tsunami, or earthquake. They were murdered by the single WMD, whose name is Kim Jong-il. He stopped public distribution system in North Korea when his father, Kim Il-sung, died in 1994. He spent close to $1 billion to build his father’s tomb, instead of feeding his own people. He built the mausoleum not because he loved his father that much, but to consolidate his power in North Korea.

I know you are very busy running the all-important presidential campaign. I know you want to become the President of the United States to protect the American people. I signed up to be an active campaigner for your presidency. However, you will have to be the President of the Free World and of the Oppressed People as well. People living in the rogue nations will look up to you. Liberals in the U.S. and all over the world give lip service only to the Freedom and Liberty. McCain does not only talk about Freedom but will bring Freedom to the oppressed, especially to North Korea. North Korean genocide is the worst of the kind in the world, but it is least known to the outside world, because Kim Jong-il closed it so completely to outside world. He plays his nuclear card to cover up his genocide. More than 200,000 people are incarcerated into his modern day Auschwitz’s in North Korea. You must know this because you came to the NK Genocide Exhibit.

President George W. Bush, for whatever the reason and/or excuses he may have, changed his policy toward North Korea since about 2004. 6-Party Talk is a farce. Kim Jong-il will never give up his nuclear weapons because it will mean the end of his regime and himself. President Bush said North Korea was one of the Axis of Evil, and Kim Jong-il developed weapons of mass destruction while starving his own people. What has changed since he said that? Absolutely nothing! He does not talk about the NK human rights issue any longer. 6-Partyh Talk! What has he accomplished with 6-Party Talk? He only gave time to the murderous dictator.

Senator McCain, you are the only hope both to the U.S. and the Oppressed People in the world. I know you will fight with Al Qaedas, Iranian dictators, the clowns at the U.N., and most of all, the murderer in North Korea, Kim Jong-il. Please don’t forget the North Koreans. 23 millions of them! They died in thousands in the 1990’s, they are dying right now, and they will die by the thousands, if you and the U.S. do not save them. The leftists in South Korea have power and they do not care about their own brethren in North Korea. YOU ARE THE ONLY HOPE BOTH TO SOUTH KOREA AND NORTH KOREA! Do not let the young men, 40,000 of them, from the U.S., who sacrificed their lives in the distant land during the Korean War have died in vain. Lincoln was not just the President of the U.S. He was the President and the Last Best Hope for the oppressed people of the world.

Thanks for reading this long letter. Happy Father’s Day!


Sin-U Nam, AIA
Korean-American Architect
North Korean Human Rights Activist
Lifetime Member of Lincoln Forum
Foot Soldier to President John McCain


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
최신 갤럽조사 존 메케인 vs 바락 오바마 - 실질적 차이 없다

최근 힐러리를 지지하던 민주당 사람들, 그리고 無당파들이 존 메케인 쪽으로 지지를 바꾸면서 존 메케인과 오바마 실제적 차이는 없는 것으로 밝혀 졌다고 합니다.

가장 좌파적인 오바마의 정책은 미국국민 다수에게 실질적으로 맞지 않다고 생각합니다. 아무리 오바마가 중도인척해도 미국인들은 바보가 아닙니다. 게다가 존 케리처럼 자주 말이 바뀌며 일관성이 없으니 사람들이 좋아 하지 않습니다.미국인들의 이념적 특성은 중도보수적(유럽식 우파와 사실상 동일)입니다. 안보와 경제를 강화하고, 복지까지 어느정도 구축하겠다는 존 메케인의 이념적 특징은 다수 미국인들의 이념관과 동일하다고 평가 됩니다.

First Gallup poll shows Obama and McCain in statistical tie

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Monday, June 16, 2008
힐러리 지지자들,無당파들 존 메케인 지지에

좌파적이면서, 중도 인척하는 오바마는 다수의 미국인들에게 인기가 없습니다. 미국의 선거는 정책 싸움입니다. 자주 말이 바뀌는 오바마는 지지받지 못합니다. 이는 흑인, 백인, 여자 같은 것과는 무관합니다. 물론 존 메케인 후보의 복지강화 정책이 어느 정도 작용했을 겁니다. 안보강화, 경제강화에 더불어.

민주당 지지자중 힐러리 클린턴을 지지하던 사람들은 오바마를 싫어 합니다. 게다가 흑인들 중에도 상당수는 오바마보다는 힐러리를 선호합니다. 그리고 최근 경향은 민주당, 공화당 아무당도 지지하지 않던 사람들이 공화당 메케인 후보를 지지하고 있습니다.

Prominent Democrats and Independents Join "Citizens for McCain"


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