
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

새해 기도 New Year's Prayer

하나님, 아무리 어리석고 어리석은 우리 민족이지만,

굶어죽고 맞아죽으면서도 지난 60 간신히 목숨을 부지해온 우리 북한동포노예들을 불쌍히 여기사

조국에 보내주신 줄기 빛이 꺼지지 않게 지켜 주시옵소서


No matter how stupid and selfish my people may have been,

Have mercy on the enslaved people in North Korea,

Who survived the famine, the torture, the fear, and the indifference, for so long.

And please keep the light and hope you sent to us last year in South Korea alive….

We pray and believe in the final freedom from you to our people in North Korea.


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